Friday, August 7, 2009

Buying Flowers on Facebook?

A well known retail pioneer is, it has been a household name for over 15 years selling flowers over the phone and on the internet. Jim McCann, the founder and CEO of the company has taken the concept of selling flowers from a localized chain of stores in New York to an international franchise with over 10 million customers worldwide.

Successful visionaries never stop innovating and Jim McCann is at it again. He is opening yet more stores, this time on the popular social networking site: Facebook. This makes perfect sense. You have your circle of friends on Facebook, you know the important dates for each person, maybe a birthday, maybe an anniverary, or even an unplanned event. You can easily place an order of flowers to be delivered without picking up the phone or going to a different URL, all done within your Facebook page. What better way to send your flowers to your friends.

I am glad there are leaders out there like Jim McCann, providing innovation and convenience for even more customers who interact daily on their Facebook pages to purchase flowers. I can't wait to try that myself as Mom's birthday is coming up next month!

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